Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Best Mid AP Hero For League Of Legends (Statistic) - Aatrox Patch

Method : Obtain the winning rate & total game plays of LoL AP based heroes from Duration : Past 30 days from 25 July 2013.

Analysis :

1)Lux is the most popular AP hero in League Of Legends.

2)Kassadin has the highest winning rate in both ranked (52.8%) and normal (52.76%) game. His higher than average winning rate can be explained by his high mobility and high burst damage once it reaches level 6. The same explanation also applies on Ahri (3rd place)

3)Twisted Fate, Rumble & Ryze appear to perform much better in ranked game with better skilled players than in normal game.

4)Leblanc, Syndra and Karma are the bottom 3 worst AP champions with a winning rate of less than 45% in ranked game. These 3 champions may not be ideal for competitive play.

Conclusion : The top 3 lol AP champions for mid lane are Kassadin, Kayle & Ahri. (Aatrox Patch)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Xpeke Lissandra Build/Guide - League Of Legends

Xpeke from Fnatic is one of the best (if not the best) mid lane players in Europe. He is famed for his skill, intelligence and backdooring ability. The word "xpeke" was created for his amazing backdooring play at IEM event. Xpeke build for Lissandra @ mid lane in LCS competitive game is as follow.

Early Game @ Mid Lane : Doran Ring + Health Pot

Mid Game Build : Doran Ring, Zhongya Hourglass, Mercury Thread. Xpeke prefers to rush Zhongya Hourglass so that he can be the one who initiates in teamfight.

Late Game Build : Mercury Thread (+Homeguard), Doran Ring, Zhongya Hourglass, Rabadon Deathcap & Void staff. Xpeke prefers to maximize damage as the game progresses to late game.

His most active masteries for AP mid lane heroes

Xpeke favorite runes for AP mid (Lissandra) : Greater Q Of Ability Power X 3, Great G Of Scaling Ability Power X 5, Greater G of Ability Power x 4, Greater Seal Of Scaling Ability Power x 9, Greater Mark Of Ability Power X 9.

Another Xpeke Lissandra Game where he faces 2 (ADC + SP) at top lane. In this game, he focuses on sustainability by buying mana regen item, health pot and mana pot in the early laning phase.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Best ADC/Marksman In LoL (Analysis) - Aatrox Patch - League Of Draven?

Method : Obtain the winning rate & total game plays from Duration : Past 30 days from 23 July 2013. Sort using spreadsheet to figure out the best ADC/Markman

Analysis :

1)Ezreal, Vayne & Caitlyn are the top 3 most popular ADC/Markman in League Of Legends.

2)Draven remains the most OP ADC/Markman in league of legends with a winning rate of 53.87% in ranked game. Draven appears to perform even better in higher level play, achieving a high winning rate of 55.18% in Diamond Tier.

Diamond Winning Rate

3)Ezreal is the most popular ADC in league of legends. Despite his popularity, Ezreal underperforms in both ranked and unranked with a winning rate of 47%. His slightly poorer DPS in late game could be the main reason.

Conclusion : League Of Draven is no joke.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Best Support Hero In LoL (Analysis/Statistic) - Aatrox Patch

the best support champion in LoL

Method : Gather the winning rate of unranked and all tiers from . Calculate the ranked winning rate using data from all tiers and unranked. Duration : Past 30 days from 21 July 2013.

Analysis :

1) Janna remains the top support champion in LoL with a 54.92% winning rate in Ranked Game. Sona is the second best with 52.78% and Zyra is the third with 52.14%.

2) Alistar continues to perform horribly as support with a 43.43% winning rate in ranked game. Perhaps it's time for Riot to give some love to our beloved cow.

3) The top 3 most use support champions in both ranked & unranked are Leona, Blitzcrank & Thresh.

4) Nunu is not listed as top 3 support because he is played mostly as a jungler now due to the recent buff on his jungling ability.

Conclusion : The top five support champions for Aatrox patch are Janna, Sona, Zyra, Thresh & Nami.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Doublelift Vayne Build For LCS (S3) - League Of Legends

Doublelift is well known for his amazing mechanic with Vayne. In the above video, Doublelift shows his amazing skill with Vayne in surviving four men dive and scores a triple kill in the process. The below guide shows the favorite build Doublelift uses in NA LCS games (2013).

Doublelift's core build for competitive game (LCS) is as follow:

Early Game : Doran Blade

Mid Game Core Items : Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer, Berserker's Greaves & Last Whisperer

Late Game Items : Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer, Berserker's Greaves, Guardian Angel & Infinity Edge

Banshee Shield, Quicksilver Sash or Warmorg are 3 defensive items Doublelift uses in competitive games to replace Guardian Angel.

His favorite summoner spells for Vayne is Flash & Barrier.

His most active ADC masteries as of July 2013 is 21/1/8.

His favorite runes is 3 Greater Q of Life Steal, 9 x Greater M Of Attack Damage, 9 X Greater S of Armor, 9 X Great G Of Magic Resist.

Highlights of Doublelift Vayne in action VS Curse during LCS Summer Split 2013.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Doublelift Ezreal Build - League Of Legends

Doublelift is one of the best ADC in the world for league of legends game. Doublelift preferred core items for Ezreal are as follow.

Berserker's Greaves, Trinity Force, Last Whisperer, Blood thirstier (Weixiao used BOTRK sometimes) , Infinity Edge

Depending on enemy team comp, his last defensive item is either Guardian Angel, Banshee Shield Or Mercurial Scimitar (Built from Quick Silver Sash)

His most active AD masteries is 21/0/9 with biscuit.

His most actively used runepage consists of 3 GQ of Attack Damage, 9 X GG of Magic Resist, 9 X GS of Armor, 9 X GM Of Armor Pen.

Reference :

Doublelift exceptional mechanical skill

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blue/Purple Side Win Rate in North American LCS Robin Round 2013

Objective : To determine which side (Blue or Purple) has a high winning rate in North American LCS Robin Round 2013.

Method : Calculate the numbers of wins in each side using data provided by leaguepedia

Data :

Total games played : 112 matches

Blue Side Wins : 66 matches (59%)

Purple Side Wins : 46 matches (41%)

Discussion : Despite the lane switch strategy employed regularly in NA LCS matches, blue side enjoys a staggering win rate of 59% (66wins/112matches). This staggering difference may also indicate that the stronger teams are given more chances to choose blue side(IE : TSM played most of their games @ blue sides and won most it) , thus distorting the win rate of blue side even more.

Conclusion : Blue Side has a higher winning rate (59%) than purple side (41%) in North American LCS Robin Round 2013.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is Kayle OP Now? League Of Legends Question

Objective : The perceived OPness of Kayle by some can be attributed to her powerful ultimate that can render an allied unit immune to all kinds of damage. In this study, we will determine if Kayle is OP in League Of legends as of March 2013 and deserve a nerf/adjustment in the upcoming patch.

Method : Study the winning rates of normal, ranked and competitive games.

Data :

Discussion : Kayle enjoys an average performance in competitive games, wining 25 games out of 48 (52%). Also with the latest version of LOL, Kayle achieves a winning rate of 49.65% and 51.59% in ranked and normal respectively.

conclusion : Based on the above data, Kayle is balanced and do not need any adjustment to her abilities and base stat.

Reference :

Thursday, February 14, 2013

FSOG Support Tier List For Competitive Tournament - LoL

Tier 1 (GOD TIER): Taric, Nunu, Blitzcrank, Sona, Leona, Lulu

Tier 2 : Zyra, Janna, Alistar

Tier 3 : Soraka, Nami

Tier list based on :

Discussion : TBA

FSOG ADC Tier List For Competitive Tournament - LoL

Tier 1 (GOD TIER): Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Caitlyn

Tier 2 : Twitch, Ashe, Varus, Kogmaw, Draven, Urgot

Tier 3 : Graves, Sivir, Vayne, Corki, Tristina

Tier list based on :

Discussion : TBA

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Best Bot Lane Comp For Pros/Tournaments @ S3 - LoL (League Of Legends)

Tournament Data Used = IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Sao Paulo, IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Katowice & OLYMPUS Champions Winter 2012-2013.

Discussion :

  • Miss Fortune is the most popular ADC pick for pros. Second is Ezreal and third is Caitlyn.
  • Sona is the most popular support pick for pros. Second is Lulu and third is nunu.
  • Miss Fortune + Sona is the most popular bot lane pick/composition for pros. The second most popular bot lane comp is Ezreal + Sona. Third is Ezreal + Zyra.
  • It's hard to determine which bot lane team composition is the best definitely due to the lack of data. But Miss Forture+ Blitzcrank, Miss Fortune + Taric, Ezreal + Taric & Caitlyn + Nunu are some of the strongest bot lane team compositions seen in these 3 competitive tournaments with an exceptionally high win rate (70-100%), which could also be due to lack of data/gameplay.
  • Miss Fortune is the most banned ADC champion in these 3 competitive tournaments.
  • Blitzcrank is the most banned support champion in these 3 competitive tournaments.