Thursday, February 14, 2013

FSOG Support Tier List For Competitive Tournament - LoL

Tier 1 (GOD TIER): Taric, Nunu, Blitzcrank, Sona, Leona, Lulu

Tier 2 : Zyra, Janna, Alistar

Tier 3 : Soraka, Nami

Tier list based on :

Discussion : TBA

FSOG ADC Tier List For Competitive Tournament - LoL

Tier 1 (GOD TIER): Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Caitlyn

Tier 2 : Twitch, Ashe, Varus, Kogmaw, Draven, Urgot

Tier 3 : Graves, Sivir, Vayne, Corki, Tristina

Tier list based on :

Discussion : TBA

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Best Bot Lane Comp For Pros/Tournaments @ S3 - LoL (League Of Legends)

Tournament Data Used = IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Sao Paulo, IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Katowice & OLYMPUS Champions Winter 2012-2013.

Discussion :

  • Miss Fortune is the most popular ADC pick for pros. Second is Ezreal and third is Caitlyn.
  • Sona is the most popular support pick for pros. Second is Lulu and third is nunu.
  • Miss Fortune + Sona is the most popular bot lane pick/composition for pros. The second most popular bot lane comp is Ezreal + Sona. Third is Ezreal + Zyra.
  • It's hard to determine which bot lane team composition is the best definitely due to the lack of data. But Miss Forture+ Blitzcrank, Miss Fortune + Taric, Ezreal + Taric & Caitlyn + Nunu are some of the strongest bot lane team compositions seen in these 3 competitive tournaments with an exceptionally high win rate (70-100%), which could also be due to lack of data/gameplay.
  • Miss Fortune is the most banned ADC champion in these 3 competitive tournaments.
  • Blitzcrank is the most banned support champion in these 3 competitive tournaments.
  • Sunday, February 10, 2013

    Maokai Jungle OP Guide For League Of Legends (S3)

    Maokai is a tanky based hero with strong CC skill and the ability to reduce incoming damage for your allies with his ultimate (Vengeful Maelstrom). He is best played in the jungle as a tanky initiator and also as a meat shield for your carries. He can also be played as a hybrid AP tank but in this guide I will focus mainly on tanky support build for Maokai. Your objective of playing Maokai is to CC the enemy carry with your Twisted Advance + Arcade Smash Combo and be a meat shield for your team (with your ULT).

    Maokai jungling Route => Wolf -> Blue -> (Look for gank if you up Twisted Advance & Arcade Smash first when you are level 2) -> Wraith -> Golem -> Red -> Wraith -> (Gank again with red at level 4)

    Primary Skill To Upgrade : Q (Arcade Smash). A great skill to knock back your enemy after initiating with Twisted Advance. I prefer to finish this by level 9

    Secondary Skill To Upgrade : W (Twisted Advance) : Your most important initiating skill. I prefer to finish this by level 13 to increase the duration of stun to 2 sec max

    Tertiary skill : E(Sapling Toss) : I usually up 1 level of Sapling Toss at level 3 and I use this to damage jungle creeps and also use it as a free ward to scout for approaching enemies.

    Ultimate : R (Vengeful Maelstrom) : A powerful AOE skill to reduce incoming damage by 20% and also deal some magic damage to the enemies who remain in the area of your maelstrom. Learn this at level 6, level 11 and 16.

    Maokai Pre Level 6 : Maokai has a very strong gank before level 6 with his Twisted Advance + Arcade Smash Combo. Initiate with your twisted advance on overextending enemy carry, walk behind him/her patiently and arcade smash to knock him/her back. If your lane partner isn't trolling, your team should have no problem securing first blood as early as level 2. After you have learned sapling toss, you can use it after your W+Q combo to deal additional damage and secure kill for your carry. Since you are playing Maoka as a tanky support hero, it's vital that you feed the kills to your carry and avoid KS as much as possible unless you have no choice. Try not to W (twisted advance) when the enemy is near the tower or you would mostly find yourself tower diving reluctantly (flamed as noob by your teammates) if the enemy uses flash.

    Maokai Post Level 6 : With your Vengeful Maeltroms, you can now activate this skill after your W+Q+E combo to protect your allies from damage and deal additional AOE damage to secure kill for your carries.

    Team Fight : Initiate with your twisted advance on the enemy carry only if he/she exposes himself/herself in front. Otherwise, if you are tanky enough you can always try to initiate on their frontline bruiser to bait their carries out so that your bruiser with gap closing skill could initiate. Remember to use your vengeful maelstrom wisely to reduce damage to not just you but your nearby bruiser and carries.

    Summoner spells are the standard Flash & Smite

    My favorite items for Maokai (Jungle) in season 3 are as follow:

    Ninja Tabi, locket of Iron Solari, Runic Bulwark, Spirit of Ancient Golem, Banshee Veil & Frozen Heart. When a team fight occurs, it's important that you activate your locket of Iron Solari to provide shield for your teammates. Sometimes, that 250 worth of shield can change the outcome of the fight.

    Spirit of Ancient Golem

    Maokai Jungle Masteries

    My Favorite Runes For Maokai : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of Armor, 3 X Q of Armor.