Thursday, January 31, 2013

AP Yi Mid OP Guide For LoL (S3) - The Rise Of The Magical Sword

Master Yi is a fun LoL champion that offers two distinctive playing style, mid AP or ADC jungler. In this guide, I will focus on the AP side of Master Yi. AP Yi is a mid lane bully who does really well against a whole host of AP champions. There are only a handful of AP casters that I'm aware of can counter AP Yi well, there are Diana & Fizz.

AP Master Yi needs a strong CC based initiator in the team to help him shine during team fight. Despite AP YI dominance during laning phase, he will easily perish if the team does not have a good initiator as the game transitions into team fight phase. Initiators/Champions that work extremely well with AP Yi are Wukong, Malphite, Amumu, Garen (tank), Sona & Shen. Coincidentally, these initiators are also the type of champions you want use when going against AP Yi (OP healing ability). Your objective for playing AP Yi is to be the ultimate KSer (Kill Securer) in team fight with the help of your Highlander passive ability.

Primary Skill To Upgrade : Q (Alpha Strike ). Your bread and butter to harass your lane opponent and make him/her QQ. I prefer to finish this by level 9

Secondary Skill To Upgrade : W (Meditate) learn this after alpha strike to heal yourself when you are low in HP.

Tertiary skill : Q(Wuju Style). Ignore this skill until you have fully upgraded Q & W.

Ultimate : R (Highlander) Your initiating skill to chase and kill the enemy. Refresh all your abilities after each kill. Without highlander, you would not have your Quadrakill or Pentakill easily.

Summoner Spell : Flash & Ignite or Cleanse . Consider cleanse to replace ignite if you are going against enemy team with heavy CC heroes (Ie : Amumu, Sona, Twisted Fated & etc)


AP Yi Pre Level 6 : Focus on farming creeps, harassing & zoning out your opponent with Alpha Strike. If your enemy is low in HP (<25%). You can flash in, alpha strike and ignite to get an easy kill. Play conservatively when you are up against AP casters that counter you (ie : Diana & Fizz).

AP Yi Post Level 6 : Again, focus on farming and harassing your lane opponent as much as you can. When your enemy AP caster is low in HP, it will deprive his/her ability to gank other lanes and also CS optimally. Try to purchase Deathfire Grasp as soon as possible because this item will give you a massive boost in AP damage.

AP Yi in teamfight : AP Yi should never be the one who initiates in team fight. You should be the last to go in and mob up the remaining enemies like a boss. Wait for your initiators and bruisers to initiate, wait patiently for the CC based enemy heroes to waste their CC skills on your bruisers, and then only you jump in with your Highlander (R), DFG & Alpha strike. If luck favours you and you get a kill off a low HP hero, your Alpha strike CD is refreshed and you get to Alpha Strike again and again until the your team gets an ace. Always remember to use your meditate when SHIT HITS THE FAN (Ie: not killing anyone with your alpha strike & you are getting surrounded). A single CC skill can disrupt your meditation and send your fragile AP Yi back to Noxus so you must use this skill wisely to avoid death.

Chasing low hp Ahri with highlander, and slain her with DFG, Alpha strike & Ignite combo

My favorite items for AP YI : Doran Ring (Early Game), Sorcerer Shoes, Deathfire Grasp, Rabadon DeathCap, Zhongya Hourglass & Void Staff (Sell Doran Ring). Get wards on the both sides of the bush after your first or second base to avoid jungle gank.

Alternative Items to consider

Vs Strong AP Team : Consider getting Abyssal Scepter instead of Zhongya Ring.

AP Yi Masteries :

Runes : 9 X Greater Mark Of Magic Penetration, Greater Seal of Mana regeneration, 9 x Greater Glyph of scaling cool down reduction, 3x Great Quint of magic damage

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Strongest Top Bruiser In League Of Legends (S3)? The Comparison & Analysis.

Data Used : (191670 matches)

Discussion :

The Top 3 top lane bruisers in league of legends (S3) are Wukong, Singed & Riven. The result surprises me because I expect Champions that were used frequently in the past tournaments to occupy the top 3 position. Talon has the highest average winning rate but he is not considered the best top lane hero here because I suspect he gains most of his wins @ mid vs squishy mage.

Darius is the most popular top lane bruiser in LOL. Lee Sin is not considered as the most popular top hero here because he is mostly used as Jungler.

Despite Shen OPness in the past competitive tournaments, he does poorly in both ranked and normal game. Great communication and meticulous teamwork which appeared in tournament more often, are required to utilize Shen (Split Push Strategy + R) to his fullest potential.

Poppy, Rengar & Vi need some love from RIOT's balance team.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Is Deathfire Grasp Still Worth It For Master Yi Or Veigar in S3? The OP Analysis

Objective : To determine whether Deathfire Grasp is still viable for burst type heroes such as Master Yi or Veigar.

Method : Compare the total damage taken by a hero with 1000Hp and 500Hp between S2 and S3 Deathfire Grasp. Also compare the gold efficiency between S2 & S3 DFG.

Data Analysis & Discussion :

As can be seen above, the damage output with DFG when the victim has 2000HP is much higher with S2 DFG compared to S3 DFG. However, when the victim is down to 50% of its health (1000HP), the S3 DFG deals slightly more damage than S2 DFG.

The subsequent damage dealt by level 5 Alpha strike remains the same for S2 DFG, but with S3 DFG, the damage dealt increases by 20% due to the debuff effect of the new S3 DFG. The total damage output (DFG + Alpha) with S2 DFG when the victim has 2000HP is slightly higher than S3 DFG. But when the victim only has 50% of its HP. The S3 DFG deals a significantly higher damage than S2 DFG.

S2 DFG (0.37) has a higher gold efficiency than S3 DFG (0.26) when the victim has 2000 HP. S3 DFG (0.26) is slightly better than S2 DFG (0.258) when the victim has 1000HP.

Conclusion : The viability of S3 DFG Vs S2 DFG becomes situational. S3 DFG seems to be a better choice for burst type AP heroes (ie Master Yi) when he is partnered with a good initiator (Malphite, WK, etc) who can deal significant initial damage to the enemy carry compared to S2 DFG. But when the team relies heavily on AP hero to initiate and to deal that initial damage, S3 DFG seems to be weaker compared to S2 DFG. IMHO, S3 DFG is at least viable for AP Master Yi because his success relies heavily on initiators. The S3 DFG is a nerf to Veigar who specializes in killing carry with full health.

Soon after I completed the above analysis, I played a game using AP Master Yi with my friends.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rammus OP Jungle Guide For League Of Legends (S3)

Rammus, is a powerful tank based jungler with a strong/borderline OP ability to taunt the enemy for as long as 3 seconds. Rammus has acceptable clear speed, sustainability and an awesome ganking potential pre level 6. With his speedy Powerball ability, you can Q and roam the entire map in high speed even though you are a turtle who is supposed to move & act slowly. Rammus is a dedicated jungle specialist, meaning to say that he is not suitable for any lane except jungle. Your primary goal of playing Rammus is to taunt the enemy carries (AD/AP) whenever possible and secure kill for your team.

Rammus Jungling Route = Wolf -> Blue -> (Look for ganking opportunity in bot > Mid -> Top with your powerball and taunt) -> Wraith -> Red -> (Gank Again if not low in pots and Hp) -> Golem -> Wraith -> Base -> Gank again at level 4 with red.

Primary Skill To Upgrade : W (Puncturing Taunt). Your bread and butter to taunt the enemy carry to attack your hardened shell with spike. I prefer to finish this by level 9

Secondary Skill To Upgrade : W (Defensive CurlBall) (Learn this to reflect damage deal to that enemy (including creeps) that attacks you, finish this by level 13 to enhance your damage output)

Tertiary skill : Q(Powerball) (I usually up 1 level of powerball at level 1 for its superb mobility and stop upgrading it until I hit level 14)

Ultimate : R (Tremor) (A powerful AOE AP ability that can damage surrounding enemies and tower. Learn this at level 6, level 11 and 16)

Rammus Pre Level 6 : Rammus is one of the few junglers (Ie : XZ, Lee sin, etc) who does really well in Level 2 gank. To take advantage of his early ganking prowess, you must first learn Powerball & puncturing taunt by level 2. As you move nearer to the bush (@ top, mid or bot). Initiate with your powerball (Q) and ram towards your victim at full speed, taunt him with W and hope that your teammate will secure the kill. Once you have acquired Defensive curlball @ level 3, your ganking potential increases by 2 fold as this little ability reflects damage and increase your armor & Magic resistance tremendously. Your full combo for wrecking the enemy in high speed is Q, E, W & Auto attack. Creeps will stop your powerball movement so be sure to move the turtle around the creeps and then hit your intended target.

Rammus Post Level 6 : With Tremor At level 6, Rammus becomes a menace not just to the enemy carries but to the tower as well. The combo sequence for Rammus is Q, E, W & Auto attack + R (Tremor). The initiation process is the same as pre level 6 except that you R immediately after triggering your defensive curlball (E). You can also use Tremor & AA to take down tower with ease when the enemy heroes aren't around the tower or be killed.

Team Fight : In organized team fight, your primary goal is to look for opportunity to taunt the enemy carry (AD/AP) so that your carries can follow up and kill him/her. To further increase Rammus mobility in chasing the enemy carries, I prefer buying Shurelya's Reverie as my second items as it gives 40% increase in move speed upon activation. You can also use your puncturing taunt as defensive move in team fight when your carries were initiated by the enemy bruiser or initiator.

Watch Rammus OP Jungle/Ganking Montage

Summoner spells are the standard Flash & Smite

My favorite items for Rammus (Jungle) in season 3 are as follow:

Ninja Tabi, Shurelya's Reverie, Spirit of Ancient Golem, Sunfire Cap, Taunt Mail, Banshee Shield.

Spirit of Ancient Golem

Vs Heavy True Damage Team (Darius, Cho Gath, etc) : Consider Warmog To replace Sunfire Cap and get it as early as you can to unleash the full potential of this powerful HP boosting item.


Vs Heavy AP team : Consider Spirit Visage to replace Sunfire cap.

Spirit Visage

Rammus Jungle Masteries

My Favorite Runes For Rammus : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of Armor, 3 X Q of Armor.

Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 Global Challenge IEM Katowise Pick, Ban & Win Rate Analysis

1) Kha'zix was the best performer in 2013 Global Challenge IEM Katowis, winning 6 games out 7 (85.7%). With high winning rate, Khazix was the most ban worthy champ in this tournament.

2) Lee Sin was the most banned champions in this event (14 bans /19 games = 73.7%). The single time he was picked, the game was lost.

3) Despite enjoying a very high winning rate in both normal (58%) & ranked games (55%), Amumu underperformed in this tournament with a winning rate of just 12.5% ( 1 win/ 8 games). Cleanse (ADC) or/and Quick Silversash seem to counter Amumu pretty well.

4) Ezreal was the most picked ADC or Champion in this event, enjoying a winning rate of 58% (7 wins /12)

5) Sona was the most picked support in this event, enjoying a winning rate of 54.55% (6 wins /11)

6) Thanks to Daniel "Diamondprox" Reshetnikov of GG (formerly M5) and amazing teamwork displayed by Game Gambit, Xin Zhao did surprisingly well in this competitive event, winning 4 out of 5 games (80%).

7) Elise was the most ban unworthy champ in this event, she was banned 7 times out of 19 games, the 5 times she was picked, she didn't manage to win a single game. better luck next time spider queen...

8) Ryze was the best performing mage in this event, winning 5 out of 6 games. (83%)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

League Of Legends AP Heroes/Mages Win Rate Comparison (S3)

Data :

The most popular mage in Ranked : Katarina

The most popular mage in Normal : Teemo, TEEMO!!!

T-Test (ranked Vs normal) = 0.83 (> 0.5)

Accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between normal winning rate and ranked winning rate.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Which champion is the best/strongest ADC in League Of Legends? The ADCs Win Rate Comparison & analysis

Objective : To determine which 5 champions are the top 5 ADC for bot lane in Season 3 of league of legends.

Method : Find out the win rate (%) for both ranked and normal for each common ADC used and then calculate the average of these 2 values. Website used : (With 191666 matches)

Data Analysis & Discussion :

T-Test (ranked Vs normal) = 0.75 (> 0.5)

Accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between normal winning rate and Ranked winning rate.

A few interesting points we can make from the above table.

1) Miss fortune es the no 1 ADC with the highest winning rate in both the ranked and normal. She has a deadly synergy with CC based jungler (ie : Amumu, Sejuani)or/and CC based support (IE : Sona, Taric) due to her powerful ultimate : Bullet Time, that can blast everyone to hell in front of a cone area. She also has lower skill cap than most ADC like Vayne or Draven.

2) Ezreal is the most popular ADC champion in League Of legends. The high popularity of Ezreal can be partially explained by his youthful good look, OP Korean dance (emote), strong evasive skill (Arcane Shift) and a global ultimate that can snipe anyone who's low in HP from distant location.

3)Urgot, the ugliest ADC has the lowest winning rate in both normal and ranked. Does Riot's balance team discriminate against ugly champion? LoL

4)Vayne, the popular hyper-carry has a surprisingly low winning rate in both ranked & normal. This can be explained by her higher than usual skill cap that most players simply do not possess. An average player will probably get closer to 46% winning as they accumulate more games with Vayne. But for a player with godlike mechanical skill and reflex like CLG-Doublelift, getting >60 % winning rate with Vayne is not a big problem. Doublelift Season 3 Champion stat

Conclusion : Based on the average winning rate on the above the table, the top five ADC for league of legends are Miss Fortune, Draven, Twitch, Ezreal and Graves.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Pantheon OP Spartan Jungle Guide For League Of Legends (S3)

Pantheon, the Spartan of LOL is an AD based assassin type champion that excels in 1 v 1 duel. Pantheon is best played at top but he can also fulfil the role as a "ganking oriented" jungler (for less competitive and less organized normal games). Pantheon has terrible jungling speed and low sustainability in jungle, so its success and usefulness in the team depend mostly on his early gank during laning phase. Your objective for playing Pantheon as jungler is to suppress the growth of the enemy AP & AD carries during laning phase.

Pantheon Jungling Route = Wolf -> Blue -> (Look for gank in mid >> bot >> top) -> Wraith -> Red -> (Gank Again if not low in pots and Hp) -> Golem -> Wraith -> Base -> Gank again at level 4 with red.

Primary Skill To Upgrade : Q (Spear Shot). Your bread and butter to deal instant burst damage. Master the skill of spear throwing by level 9.

Secondary Skill To Upgrade : E (Heartseeker Strike) (Finish this by level 13 to increase your DPS output)

Tertiary skill : W (Aegis Of ionis) (Only 1 level is sufficient in early gank for that 1 second stun.)

Ultimate : R (Grand Skyfall) (A powerful long distance initiating skill, upgrade this at level 6, level 11 and 16)

Pantheon Pre Level 6 : You must start to look for gank when you hit level 2, put your priority on ganking mid (usually mage with low armor) then bot or top. Ping your lane partner before you gank, initiate the fight with your Aegis of Zonia (1 second stun), then use Spear Shot and Heartseeker Strike (Lvl 3) to inflict heavy damage to the enemy AD/AP carries. If your lane partner is competent enough, he/she shall get a KS (kill secured) from your ganking effort . Repeat the same process when you reach level 4 with red. Do not your waste your combo on tank or tanky support as it will mostly be a waste of time and may even get yourself killed.

Pantheon Post Level 6 : Now you have learned the legendary Sparta Grand Skyfall, you no longer worry about wards placed on the river and bush because you can now throw yourself to the enemy rear side from distant. You shall use it to gank the enemies who overextend even slightly. The OP Sparta Grand Skyfall is best used at Top or Bot lane where there is less space to escape. Initiate with R, immediately ping your teammates for imminent Sky Fall, if you teammates are competent enough, they will start charging towards the enemies. When your skyfall (R) hits the ground and manage to get near one of the clueless enemies, immediately pop your Aegis of Zonia (W) (1 second stun) on the enemy carry, then Spear Shot (Q) and Heartseeker Strike (E) to take out a chunk of his/her health. Your enemy shall witness grey screen when your teammates follow up with their own combos.

Team fight : Pantheon is slightly UP when it comes to team fight due to his mostly single target abilities. But he can still make up this shortfall by carefully selecting his victim, aiming only fed AP or AD carries in team fight. If you are able to kill or assist in killing one of the enemy carries in team fight, you have done your job as a Pantheon jungler. If you find yourself always thwarted by opposing enemy team CC abilities (Ie : Amumu, Sona, Zyra & etc) before you can pop your skills. Consider getting get a Quicksilver Sash for your third or fourth item or as fast as you can.

Watch Pantheon Jungle/Ganking Montage

Summoner spells are Flash & Smite

My favorite items for jungle Pantheon in season 3 are as follow:

Mercury Thread, Wriggle Lantern, Frozen Mallet & The Black Cleaver

Alternative Items to consider

Vs Strong AP : Consider getting Maw Of The Malmortius after Frozen Mallet

Vs Heavy CC team : Consider getting Quicksilver Sash after FM, and upgrade it to Mercurial Scimitar later. Quicksilver Sash provides 45 Magic assistance, and remove all debuffs upon activation.

Pantheon Jungle Masteries

Runes : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of scaling attack, 3 X Q of Attack Damage.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Which champion is the best/strongest jungler in LOL (Season 3)? The Jungler Win Rate Comparison & OP Analysis

Objective : To determine which 5 champions are the top 5 junglers in Season 3 of league of legends.

Method : Find out the win rate (%) for both ranked and normal for each common jungler used and then calculate the average of these 2 values. Website used : (With 191666 matches)

Data Analysis & Discussion :

T-Test (ranked Vs normal) = 0.94 (> 0.5)

Accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between normal winning rate and Ranked winning rate.

Amumu has the highest win rate as a jungler in league of legends. Amumu has neither a fast jungle clearing speed (ie: Dr mundo) nor a high sustainability in jungle (ie Warwick) but he is the best jungler to be chosen if you want to have a higher chance of winning a game. The main reason for his awesomeness is his scary ultimate skill, the curse of the mummy, which deals AOE snare and AOE magic damage which can turn the tide in any team fight. In addition to his OP ult, he also deal AOE DPS damage while he is feeling despair and crying (for your inevitable demise) around you. With acceptable jungling speed, sustain, OP AOE stun and DPS damage, it's not surprising that Amumu is the best jungler in League Of legends for S3.

The second best jungler in LOL season 3 is the Oriental devastator, Xin Zhao. He has amazing gap closing ability, single target CC skill, awesome burst AD damage (3 Talon Strike) and disrupting AOE ultimate that can send chills up the spine of every AP/AD carries. Xin Zhao is my favorite champion and I have above 55% win rate with him in Ranked & normal. This result of XZ in 2nd place does not surprise me one bit.

The third best jungler is Sejuani, the beauty and the pig. Similar to AMUMU/XZ, she has a very powerful slowing skill, gap closing ability and the fearsome long range AOE icy stun that can immobilize a whole group of heroes. The beauty and the pig is very underrated and very underplayed in league of legends competitive scene. But once competitive professional players realize her true potential and start playing her more, you will see a surge of pig girl usage in both normal and ranked games.

Conclusion : The top five junglers in league of legends (S3) are Amumu, Xin Zhao, Sejuani, Shaco & Rammus. In ranked game, consider banning Amumu if non of your teammates know how to use him properly.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Which Support Champion Is The Best In League Of Legends (S3)? The Support Win Rate Comparison & Analysis

Objective : To find out which 5 champions are the top 5 best support in League Of Legends (S3)

Method : Find out the average win rate from both ranked and normal games for each support champion from

Data Analysis :

Discussion : Champions with a combination of normal support skills (not ult) such as heal/shield, armor boost, damage boost & Hard CC (Knock Up/Stun) seem to enjoy a higher percentage of winning rate than the rest who do not. Alistar has a surprisingly low win rate with the latest data, this is probably due to the "over" nerf on his head butt. Janna has the highest numbers of support skills in league of legends and she is ranked the third in winning rate.

Conclusion : Based on the average of normal & ranked winning rate, Taric, Sona, Janna, Soraka & Blitzcrank are currently the top 5 support champions for league of legends (Season 3).

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Is Sightstone Worth It For Support? Should I get Philostone or SS first? The OP Analysis.

Objective : To determine whether it's viable to have Sightstone for league of legend support champions.

Method : Compare the difference in overall gold gain between Philostone and Sightstone. Use the above Soraka support game footage as base for analysis.

Data Analysis & Discussion :

  Sightstone Ruby SS Ward
  700g 1300g 75g
10 wards Free Free 750g
15 wards Free Free 1125g
20 wards Free Free 1500g
18 540g    

In the above Soraka video, I bought philostone instead of sightstone @ 7 mins, and I also bought a total of 13 sight wards @ 25 mins (counted from 7 mins) when I converted my philostone to Shurelya's Reverie. With Philostone I gained about 18 mins of GP10 benefits which amounts to 540G, and I was able to pay for roughly 7 sight wards from the income generated from philostones. However, If I chose to buy sightstone instead, I would have bought those 13 sight wards completely free of charge. This would give me a gold advantage of 450G (the cost of 6 wards) plus 100 HP, which can be used to supplement the purchase of philostone as second item after SS.

Conclusion : Sightstone is more gold efficient than philostone and it should be considered as core item (or as a replacement for heart of gold in S2) for most support champions in season 3. Ruby sightstone (1300G) does not offer as much gold advantage as sightstone but it's still a good choice if the game is anticipated to last longer than 30 mins. The main disadvantage of getting Ruby / Sightstone is 3 wards limitation per slot.

Recommendation : If you are planning to get sightstone for your support hero, get it first to get the most bang for the buck.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Soraka OP Support Guide (S3) For League Of Legends

Soraka is a defensive League Of Legends champion with powerful global & single target healing abilities. Pro player like Scarra Of Dignitas plays Soraka @ mid As AP carry but IMHO she is best played as a support champion to the ADC (Attack Damage Carries) at bottom lane. Unlike most support heroes (IE : Sona, Blitz, Leano & Nunu), Soraka is a very passive champion which suits MOBA players with strong defensive mindset. Your objective for playing Soraka is to be a protector for your ADC/AP carries and heal them at the right moment in any types of skirmishes or organized team fight.

Primary Skill To Upgrade : W (Astral Blessing). Heal your AD/AP carries and Give them armor boost whenever they are low in HP.

Secondary Skill To Upgrade : E (Infuse) (Finish this by level 13 to reduce the cool down.)

Tertiary skill : Q (Starcall) (last to upgrade)

Ultimate : R (Wish) (A powerful global healing spell, upgrade this at level 6, level 11 and 16)

My preferred summoner spells for Soraka are Flash & Heal. I pick heal (over exhaust) to amplify the healing prowess of Soraka during laning phase and team fight.

Soraka's Strategy During Laning Phase : Soraka (with support items) does not have strong CC (Crowd Control) skills and high burst AP damage output (compared to others) so it is best to play her passively and defensively. Most of the time, you want to stay behind your ADC and try to avoid any damage inflicted by the enemies so that you do not waste your Astral Blessing (E) to heal yourself. You can try to harass the enemy ADC when you have clear vision of surrounding area and their support is back to the base. After you hit level 6, you must always look out for any skirmishes fought with mini map and press R (Wish) to heal your dying team mates globally. Pop your W, R and Heal summoner spell when your ADC get caught by a good combo and is low in HP. Be a useful spy drone for your team, ward up the dragon area, tribush & enemy bush to prevent any possible gank by the enemy jungler. A well placed ward can sometimes turn the tide of a bad game.

Soraka's Strategy During Late Game/Team fight Phase : Be the protector of your ADC/AP/Bruiser that deals significant damage. Do not waste your precious abilities to heal a friendly tank in low HP. Put your healing priority on ADC >> Bruiser = AP >>Yourself. Do not expose yourself on the front line, because if you are caught first during the team fight, You will be mostly killed instantly without having the chance to use any of your healing abilities to help your teammates in need. Ward up important areas such as entry points, baron, dragon, blue & red. Use your infuse ability to silence the enemy AP skills(Ie : Katarina / Nunu Ult) when necessary.

My favorite items during laning phase/early game are Sight ward, vision ward, Sightstone, Philostone & Boot Of Speed.

My favorite items during mid game are Ionian boot of lucidity, Shurelya's Reverie & Ruby Sightstone (upgraded from sightstone). Ruby sightstone gives you the ability to place at least 3 invisible wards for 3 minutes.

My favorite items during late game are Ionian boot of lucidity, Shurelya's Reverie, Runic Bulwark, Abyssal Scepter (super late game) & Oracle Elixir. Remember to use your Oracle Elixir to remove wards from the Baron area, river & bush. Ward key areas (ie :Baron, entry point) with Ruby sightstone or sight ward.

My Soraka Masteries is 0/2/28 :

Runes : 9 X Greater Mark Of Magic Penetration, Greater Seal of Mana regeneration, 9 x Greater Glyph of scaling cool down reduction, 3x Great Quint of ability power.