Blitzcrank is one of the funnest champions to use in League Of Legends. His ability to grab the enemy hero from distant, knock up and AOE silence is what make him so fun and satisfying (when winning) to play. While some pros insist that Blitzcrank is viable at top or even mid. I believe Blitzcrank is best played as a full support hero at bot with any aggressive ADC (Attack Damage Carries). Your primary objective as a support Blitzcrank is too grab or hook the enemy AD/AP carries to your team and win! In this guide I will explain on how to play support Blitzcrank in details.
Primary Skill To Upgrade : Q (Rocket Grab) (This is your bread and butter, learn this fully (5 levels by lvl 9) to reduce the cooldown and increase the damage.
Secondary Skill To Upgrade : E (Power Fist) (Finish this by level 13 to reduce the cool down.)
Tertiary skill : E (Overdrive) (last to upgrade)
Ultimate : R (Static Field) (Upgrade this at level 6, level 11 and 16.
Summoner spells are Flash & Exhaust. With exhaust you have 3 CC kills (Knock Up, Silence and Slow/Reduced Damage) to help your ADC get kills easily during the laning phase. Exhaust can also be used to save your ADC from getting killed by the enemy ADC.
Blitzcrank Strategy During Laning Phase : Be very aggressive when you play as a support Blitzcrank. In any warfare, you want to have as much intelligence as possible about your enemy position. So as a support player, it's your responsibility to ward up key areas like the tribush, dragon path and enemy side bush to prevent gank from the enemy jungler. Always look for opportunity to grab the enemy ADC whenever possible. Try to avoid grabbing the enemy support unless he/she is already low in health (<50% health). My experience tells me that it's always a bad idea to grab a support tank such as Leona, Nunu & etc because your ADC will get destroyed by the enemy ADC while you are busy peeling the hooked tank. If you are not confident enough to land a clean hook. You can always try to "feint hook" by moving forward and backward from the bush as if you are getting ready to grab. This will to put psychological pressure on the enemies and force them to miss as many CS as possible. Pay attention to the map and ping your ADC when the enemy jungler approaches. The sequence of your skill combo is W (Overdrive) for the speed, Q(Rocket Grab) to hook, E(Power Fist) to knock up, R(Static Charge) and exhaust.
Blitzcrank Strategy During Late Game/Team fight Phase : In team fight, your goal is to grab the enemy AD/AP carries to your own team for instant kill. Grabbing a tank to your own team can often lead to disastrous outcome so it's best to be patient and only Q when you see the enemy ADC/AP carries expose themselves on the front. A patient Blitzcrank is a good blitzcrank. It's also your responsibility to keep the important areas like Baron, dragon, entry points warded so that your team have as much vision as possible about your enemy movement to prevent gank or to initiate one when the enemy is spotted with ward.
Lesson from Sun Tzu Art Of War - Ward, ward and ward!
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
My favorite items during laning phase/early game are Crystalline Flask, sight ward, vision ward, boot of mobility, Sightstone & Philostone.
My favorite items during mid game are Boot Of Mobility, Shurelya's Reverie, Glacier Shroud & Ruby sightstone.
My favorite items during late game are Boot Of Mobility, Shurelya's Reverie, Frozen Heart, Runic Bulwark & Oracle Elixir. Use your Oracle Elixir to remove wards from the Baron area, river & bush. Ward key areas (ie :Baron, entry point) with sightstone or sight ward.
My Blitzcrank Masteries is 0/2/28 :
Runes : 9 X Greater Mark Of Magic Penetration, Greater Seal of Mana regeneration, 9 x Greater Glyph of scaling cool down reduction, 3x Great Quint of ability power.
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